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ICF Certified Coach in Virginia - Genzandu

Emotional intelligence (EI). Quite a big word, right? I can tell you from my own struggles that your EI is anchored in the core of your experiences and who you grow up to be. I am a woman who has had to learn the hard way through many experiences, that your emotional quotient is something you develop over time. It amplifies through self-awareness and the constant need to welcome ICF Certified Coach in Virginia mindfulness in your life. But how do teenagers that are just starting out their lives deal with the exponential physical and mental growth they experience? In adolescence and early adulthood, it is crucial for our teenagers, and young adults to find themselves and formulate the “who” to create a solid foundation and belief in themselves. This search is directly related to high emotional intelligence which will help our youth of tomorrow to navigate through the stresses of unsettling change and scary transitions. The concept helps build strong relationships with peers, family, and most importantly with yourself. Here are seven steps to building high emotional intelligence are Find a Life Coach in Virginia

Perception builds reality

We all have our perceptions, and we create a monster that sends our minds into a whirlwind of emotions. When viewing a situation, view it from the opposite person’s perspective. Your perception is your reality, not theirs. Put yourselves in their shoes and instead of being reactive, offer empathy, and see the situation change.

Keep your options open

We all say this term. However, we get dissuaded when we encounter rejection. Pick yourself up from the fear of rejection by having multiple options for yourself and focusing on the goal and then enjoying the journey. Fear creates roadblocks and negativity.

ICF Certified Coach in Virginia

Me time

The most important person in your life is you. Learn to take a step back and spend time with yourself. It increases inner resilience and creates clarity and a positive perspective on life. It’s imperative to recharge to raise your awareness and be empathetic to people around you. Stress is present in everyone’s life, and creating your space helps you manage stress.

Listen more than you speak

We all love the sound of our voice and in all that noise forget to listen to what the world is telling us. Hang out with people who positively contribute to your life and listen to them. Your creative juices will flow when you inculcate the power of listening.

You are responsible for yourself

Take ownership of your actions and behavior. Often the best way of ridding ourselves of our guilt is to blame other people. The only person responsible for your behavior is you. Own it!

Best Life Coaching in Virginia

Celebrate your accomplishments

We all have small and big wins and sometimes forget to celebrate ourselves. Stop along the way and don’t forget to pat yourself on your back for your accomplishments it increases your self-esteem.

Lastly, stay away from people who give you negativity and lower your self-esteem. Send them love and maintain your distance. They are here to teach you how to manage the noise in your life.

To connect with Dr. Jain, Best Life Coaching in Virginia, visit:

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